News & Events

School Spirit Shines at Red/Blue Assembly!

October 24, 2024


On Friday, October 18th, the Buckley community gathered in the Cronin Gym for the time-honored tradition of sorting new and first grade students onto the Red or Blue teams. A practice that began with the establishment of Red and Blue teams in 1933, each year in the fall students who are new to the school in grades 2 through 7, and first graders, receive their team colors and ceremoniously step through a red or blue hoop, symbolizing that they have officially joined their teammates in the year-long competition. Red and Blue team captains were also announced at the assembly, and they took their places next to the podium to welcome the newest members of their teams.

Buckley’s Red and Blue team compete throughout the year to earn points that add up to win the coveted honor at the Red/Blue Banquet celebrating the end of the spring athletic season. Students, parents, and alumni earn points by participating in community activities like bake sales or sharing their Buckley memories, by attending events, or through volunteer service. Siblings and legacy families maintain their team color throughout their families tenure at Buckley, ensuring that children and grandchildren cheer for the same team their predecessors did in generations past. The culminating event, and where may points are earned for each team, is Red/Blue Field Day in the spring – a last chance for each team to put their athleticism to the test and push their team over the top.

The winning team raises the flag at the front of the school with their team color on top, and it remains throughout the following school year until the new winner is announced. 

Thank you to Brian Boyle, Buckley’s Athletic Director, for organizing such a meaningful and spirited event for our community, and congratulations to all our new Red and Blue team members!

Click here to see photos from the assembly, and click here to watch the video.



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